Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 21 - 23 2013
The annual IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems
(DCOSS 2013) will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, from Tuesday, May 21 to Thursday, May 23 2013.
The conference is intended to cover several aspects of distributed computing in sensor systems such as high level abstractions and
models, systematic design methodologies, signal and information
processing, algorithms, analysis and applications.
For more information on the conference topics and the Call for Papers please
click here.
January 31, 2013 (11:59pm US Pacific time) : Abstract Registration
February 4, 2013 (11:59pm US Pacific time) : Paper Submission Deadline
March 25, 2013: Acceptance Notification
April 8, 2013 : Camera Ready Submission Deadline
April 29, 2013: Early Registration Deadline
The conference will be co-located with several closely related workshops,
and will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their
contributions related to the above high-level aspects of distributed sensor
systems. In addition to contributed papers, the meeting will also include
keynote addresses by leading researchers, a panel discussion, and a
poster session
Find out more about the workshops in DCOSS 2013 by clicking here.
DCOSS 2012 (Hangzhou, China), DCOSS 2011 (Barcelona, Spain), DCOSS 2010 (Santa Barbara, California), DCOSS 2009 (Los Angeles, California), DCOSS 2008 (Santorini Island, Greece), DCOSS 2007 (Santa Fe, New Mexico), DCOSS 2006 (San Francisco, California), and DCOSS 2005 (Marina del Rey, California) featured high quality research papers and interesting invited and contributed posters.
Archives of past conferences can be found here.