DCOSS 2010 Camera Ready Instructions
This concerns the proceedings version of DCOSS 10 papers.
Please note that the deadline for submitting a) all files needed and b) the copyright form is April 7.
- this is a really hard deadline; no extensions are possible.
- ALL communications with the proceedings chair must reference your Paper ID. The format of a Paper ID is as follows:
"DCOSS03" for Paper ID #3. Note the leading zero for ID<10
- papers should be prepared using the Springer LNCS latex style file (pls see this page). These are the same formatting instructions from the initial submission.
- All papers get 14 pages. Additional pages can be purchased according to the guidelines at the DCOSS registration page [click here to register]
- Place all files needed in a directory following the same Paper ID naming format, that is, put your files in a directory named "DCOSS03"
- Prepare a file, "dcosscomp" that contains the appropriate commands to compile your source. The dcosscomp file can just contain a "make" command, or "latex" commands, or other normal unix tools such as python, perl, etc. The proceedings chair will run "bash dcosscomp" on it and will expect a successful compile. If this doesn't make sense to you, just write instructions in the file explaining how to build your document.
- Please use zip (Linux or windows) to compress the folder. This will allow the proceedings chair to batch decompress them all into a directory without collisions.
- please send the zip file containing all needed for your paper (dcosscomp file, latex source, any eps files, pdf) to the DCOSS Proceedings Chair Zachary Baker at dcosscamera/AT/gmail.com. Please use a subject line "DCOSS" followed by the Paper ID, ie,
"DCOSS03" for Paper ID #3. Note the leading zero for ID < 10
- please complete, sign and fax the copyright form (available here) to +1 (505)-665-4939 (attention Zachary Baker). Mark the form with your Paper ID. You can also scan it to PDF and include it in your zip file.