A Probabilistic Congestion Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor
V. Ramaswamy, A. Hansson and Stephan Eidenbenz (Los Alamos National
Laboratory, USA)
Sensing Data Market
Chun-tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia), Nirupama
Bulusu (Portland State University) and Salil Kanhere (University of New
South Wales, Australia)
Mobile Device-Centric Exercise Monitoring with an External Sensor
Rohit Chaudhri, Yang Yu, Silviu Chiricescu, Loren J. Rittle (Motorola
Labs, USA); Rajit Gadh (UCLA)
Battery-Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ali Saidi, Silviu Chiricescu, Yang Yu, Loren J. Rittle (Motorola
Labs, USA)
Design of an Intra-Vehicular Wireless Sensor Network
Cem Saraydar (General Motors, USA)
A Formal Model for Programming Wireless Sensor Networks
Luis Lopes (FCUL, Portugal), Francisco Martins (FCUP, Portugal),
Miguel S. Silva (FCUL, Portugal), and Joao Barros (FCUL, Portugal)
Evaluating Broadcast Protocols in Sensor Networks : An Epidemic
Theoretic Framework
Pradip De, Yonghe Liu and Sajal K. Das (UT Arlington, USA)
End-to-end Toolkit for Developing a Class of WSN Applications on Sun
SPOT Nodes
Animesh Pathak (USC), Qunzhi Zhou (USC), Luca Mottola (Politecnico di
Italy), Amol Bakshi (USC), Viktor K. Prasanna (USC), and Gian Pietro
Picco (University
of Trento, Italy)
Network-Aware Adaptation of MAC Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks
Christophe Merlin and Wendi Heinzelman (University of Rochester)
A General Cost Function to Reflect Sensor Support for Application QoS
Ou Yang, Christophe Merlin and Wendi Heinzelman (University of