Technical Committee on Parallel Processing



The 7th IEEE International Conference on
June 27 - 29, 2011
Barcelona, Spain


DCOSS Work-in-Progress (WiP) track provides an opportunity to showcase and report innovative works that are still at an early stage. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit to the WiP track of DCOSS as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, stimulating feedback and suggestions on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations with experience in the field colleagues during the DCOSS. The topics of interest for WiP papers are identical to those in the main DCOSS conference. Submissions to the WiP track will be reviewed by a subset of the DCOSS Technical Program Committee.

WiP papers will be included in the Proceedings of the Conference and in the IEEE Xplore.

Papers Submission

WiP paper submissions is limited to a maximum of 3-pages using the same style files as for the normal DCOSS papers; longer submissions will not be reviewed. All accepted WiP papers will be included in the Proceedings' CD. The title has to be preceded by "Work-in-Progress: ...". Authors should limit their contribution to latest and truly novel issues of their work. Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats are found at here:
You can also use the sample template for Microsoft Word: A4, US letter. All submissions should be written in English Paper submission process via EDAS.

Important Dates

All Submissions: May 2, 2011 Notification: May 23, 2011 Camera Ready: June 3, 2011 All DCOSS 2011 WiP paper presenters must register at the FULL rate.

WiP Chair

Christos Verikoukis, Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia


Send questions and comments to
Maintained by Marcio Almeida  -  Last modified on June 20, 2011
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