IEEE DCOSS 2012 Call for Demonstrations

Demonstration Session:

IEEE DCOSS 2012 will feature a demo session that provides a forum for distributed computing and sensor network researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to interact with and explore the latest research results. Towards this goal, IEEE DCOSS 2012 solicits demonstrations presenting recent original results or ongoing research in the general area of sensor networks. Authors are invited to submit interesting results on all aspects of sensor networks, including algorithms, protocols, systems and applications.

Demonstrations provide a venue for hands-on experience for conference attendees and a means for researchers and attendees to interact with new research prototypes and testbeds. In special cases, video-based demonstrations will also be accepted.

Each demonstration presenter will have the opportunity to present a one-minute rapid oral presentation of their work to attendees. This oral presentation will help generate interest in the topic of the demonstration, to encourage attendees to learn more. Moreover, the authors will also be allowed to display one A1 (594 x 841 mm) vertically oriented poster explaining the demonstration.

All demonstrations will be reviewed and judged based on their originality, technical contribution and, particularly, their potential to generate interesting and interactive exchanges of ideas.


Demonstration abstracts are limited to 2 pages in standard IEEE Transactions format ( and should highlight the leading ideas of the on-going research and its expected outcome and impact. All accepted abstracts will appear in hardcopy. Demonstration abstracts should describe the demonstration activity, and in particular, describe special requirements for space and dedicated frequency channels, if any. Accepted demonstrations must be presented at the workshop, and at least one author must be registered for the conference.

Submission Instructions:

Poster abstracts submissions via EDAS.

Important Dates:

Abstracts Submission Deadline: April 13, 2012
Notification: April 20, 2012

Demo Co-Chairs:

Luis Almeida
Universidade do Porto

Xingfa Shen
Hangzhou Dianzi University


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